Women’s Bible Study
Naomi Circle
Naomi Circle meets once a month for Bible study. The time that we meet is 9:30 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall the last Tuesday of the month. We are a group of women who are retired or just semi-retired. We share our thoughts and knowledge on Bible lessons in the "Gather" magazine. It is formatted for women in the church. We are a small part of the Rocky Mountain Synod Women's Organization. Through RMSWO we can attend gatherings/conferences with our neighboring states.
Besides doing the Bible lesson, we have refreshments and we acknowledge birthdays. Our offering is divided between the synod and a percentage goes to Mosaic ( a home for developly mentally challenged individuals). We also contribute to a community organization once a year. Some months we have special events, such as going to a restaurant, on a picnic, or maybe a potluck with friends and/or family invited. We do not meet in July. There is always a Christmas party. The personal gifts we receive in Naomi Circle are many. Join us (no membership fees required) and reap the rewards!
Mary Circle
Mary Circle is a bible study and women's fellowship group. We meet in the Fellowship Hall on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Although current attendees are in the above 60 age group, we would welcome a more diversified age group. Using the Gather magazine bible study, we take turns reading and sharing thoughts and information. We occasionally meet at a home to share a meal but usually bring our own supper for the regular meeting.
We have the opportunity to contribute funds to the St. Paul's Women of the ELCA or the group may decide on a special need to support.
Information about the Rocky Mountain Synod Women of the ELCA and the churchwide Women of the ELCA (WELCA) is often shared at our meetings. We may also plan for women's events at St. Paul's and opportunities in other churches.
We have a text and email chain that we share information. If anyone would like to join us, they would be more than welcome! For more information, contact Regina Pacheco at 307-214-9344.