Facility Use
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (SPLC) is a large downtown facility that has been recently remodeled for full handicap accessibility. We have a large fellowship hall, cold storage refridgerators, classrooms and meeting rooms. The facilities exist to provide a place to worship God and provide opportunities for Christian education, fellowship, and community outreach. All organizations wishing to use SPLC facilities must schedule a time and space with the church office (632-9212). Use of the facilities by members is free. For non-member organizations wishing to use the kitchen or sanctuary, a fee will apply.
We at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (SPLC) are glad for you both on your upcoming wedding day, when you publicly commit yourselves to each other. We realize that you have many important plans to make. This booklet is intended to assist you in some of that planning. What is most important to us is your desire to be married in the church, which demonstrates God’s presence in your lives, grounded in God’s love for us, and God actively blessing your marriage from its beginning in a worship setting. We are honored that you have chosen SPLC for your celebration. May God strengthen and encourage you as a couple, now and always. The Christian wedding is a worship service, and by this is different from a civil ceremony. The gathered assembly offers thanks and praise to God and asks God’s blessing on you as a couple as participants, not spectators, in the worship.