Community Outreach
St. Paul’s is more than just an “internal” service church. Many opportunities, such as the ones listed below, are provided each year to serve others in the community.
The Free Little Pantry - St. Paul’s is proud to be able to support the local community by providing food and hygiene supplies via the Free Little Pantry. Our congregant, Art, who helps to fill and supply the pantry regularly, has written the following:
“Three metal boxes that at one time were used to sell newspapers found on the southwest corner of our church. Seems like a strange thing for a church to have on their property. These metal boxes are a vital part of our ministry here at St. Paul’s. Our free little pantry serves an important need in our community. There are too many people that live with the insecurity of having enough food to eat on a daily basis. The little pantry provides food and items needed to survive in this world of uncertainty. The members of St. Paul’s have generously donated food clothing and other items and continue to do so every week. Some members donate money to the pantry fund and when supplies get low We use this fund to shop and replenish the supply. The neighborhood churches have also helped by filling the pantry. Some businesses in the area also support the pantry by bringing food. Jesus in His ministry focused on caring for the poor and needy, and he commissioned us as His followers to do the same. I am proud of the way St. Paul’s has supported this ministry and helped care for our brothers and sisters in need. We are all God’s children so we should treat our neighbor as we do ourselves. Thank you all for supporting this important ministry, and many of the people who use our pantry have also expressed their gratitude. We have met many beautiful children of God that utilize the pantry and we feel blessed to get to know them. May God continue to bless our community through this ministry.”
God’s Work, Our Hands - “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
Support of Needs, Inc. – An ongoing collection of Macaroni and Cheese is taken and donated to the food pantry at Needs, Inc. We host a “Toilet Paper Mountain” drive and school supplies collection each year for this wonderful service! In addition, church attendees purchase gifts for families supported by Needs, Inc. during the Christmas Season.
Family Promise - Assist homeless families with minor children. St. Paul’s partners with Family Promise to provide a facility where the families can have a warm place to sleep and some meals. We host families in conjunction with volunteers from Ascension Lutheran Church about 5 weeks out of the year. If you wish to volunteer time or resources to this ministry please contact the church office at 307-632-9212.
Adopt-a-Highway - St. Paul’s is responsible for cleaning up a flat and narrow section of US-85 between mileposts 31 and 33. Trash bags, gloves, safety vests, snacks, and water are provided for volunteers in this ministry. If you would like to be involved in helping to keep our earthly home looking its best, please contact Brian Rentner.
Angel Tree – St. Paul’s supports the Angel Tree Prison Ministry organization. Gifts are purchased by church members at Christmas time and given on behalf of an incarcerated parent to his/her child.
Teddy Bear Ministry – “Sharing God’s Love One Bear at a Time” In the hopes of spreading comfort to others, St. Paul’s members share the pews on Sunday mornings with fuzzy teddy bear friends. The teddy bears attend church, hear God’s word, prayers, and praises, before receiving a blessing. Then they are ready to go out into the lives of anyone who needs a comforting hug. If you spot one in church that you think might brighten someone’s day, the Social Ministry Committee asks you to take it with you and deliver it to that special person. Or, perhaps you need some of that special magic that teddy bears have when they give a hug. There is no age restriction, if comfort is needed a teddy bear is there to give hugs. If you have a teddy bear or two that needs a new home, the Social Ministry Committee will make sure they are ready to join us in the pews. A large storage tub will be available in the Narthex for any teddy bears, large or small, that are looking to be part of this new ministry.