St. Paul’s is a church rich in volunteers, who are the backbone of the church, providing valuable gift by performing labor, working as teachers, and sharing the ministry of St. Paul’s. Volunteering is an opportunity for members to become close to God by serving in His name, and by serving side-by-side with those in His family. You are welcome to volunteer in any capacity in which you feel comfortable. Below is a listing of some of the committees at St. Paul's along with a small description of their function. But keep an open mind; the function of these committees is only limited by a lack of imagination. Ask yourself, how else can St. Paul’s serve God and our community? Be creative, volunteer, make a difference!
Grace In Action Team
The Grace In Action Team encourages members to actively provide outreach and warm hospitality to all visitors and to deepen the commitment of faith within the church family.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee oversees the preparation of a draft budget for the succeeding year and oversees all the financial affairs of the congregation, giving particular attention to the prompt payment of all obligations and regular forwarding of benevolence monies to synod.
Fellowship Committee
The Fellowship Committee plans and carries out activities to deepen and extend the Christian fellowship among all members of the congregation. Promotes means of active involvement by those of all ages, interests and backgrounds.
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee promotes the expression of Christian faith in daily living; teaches the Christian use of money; educates the congregation as to local, synodical, national, and world ministries; and leads its members to higher levels of proportionate giving for the Lord’s work. The committee is responsible for annual efforts toward informed and grateful giving.
Worship and Music Committee
The Worship and Music Committee plans regular worship services with the liturgy of the ELCA, and sees that competent worship assistants (ushers, worship assistants, lay readers) are recruited and trained. This committee supervises and encourages the choirs and other musical groups of the congregation.
Altar Ministry
The Altar Ministry is a sub-committee of the Worship and Music Committee. This group is responsible for the up keep of paraments, for changing the seasonal paraments, setting communion and other worship service duties.
Building & Grounds Committee
The Building & Grounds Committee sees to the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation and takes care that it is kept in good repair and adequately insured.
Mutual Ministry Committee
The purpose of the Mutual Ministry Committee is to affirm and strengthen St. Paul’s ministry by building a sense of partnership and mutual support within the congregation, pastor, and staff. It is to facilitate communication and understanding in all areas, providing a safe place to hear and understand concerns of the pastor and of individuals, encouraging in every way possible spiritual growth and awareness of God in all our attitudes and behavior.
Education Committee
This committee oversees the education of all ages in the congregation.